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Time:2018-03-06   Hits:4489

March.6th, 2018, ONE BELL ONE ROAD OVERSEA TRADING COORPERATION----MID ASIA EXCHANGE SUMMITwas held in Dalian Hilton Hotel by Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center and B&R Oversea Trading Association

The summit was in response to National One bell One road economic strategy by Chairman Xi, to achieve One bell One road trading investment facilitation, to strengthen bilateral economic and trade cooperation and communication between China and Kazakhstan. Dalian Huanbohai Energy Trading Center, together with China and Kazakhstans companies will establish platform, to make both parties to know each others resources and requirement, so that could reach cooperation intention, and prompt trading facilitation.

The leaders attended the summit are: Vice President of Kazakhstan, Mr. Khamitov; General Manager of HETC, Mr. Zhao Feng; President of China Northern Oil International Trading Co., Ltd, Mr. Song Weilin; President of Dalian Hualu Energy Co., Ltd, Mr. Liang Songru, etc.

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